How to Win Top Talent with Social Media Recruiting

Every talent team has felt the impact of the Great Reshuffle — the result of a record number of employees quitting their jobs to find better opportunities. This change in the labor market has led to increased wages and more power for job seekers in finding the culture and benefits they want from an employer. Talent teams have had to strategize to attract the best-qualified talent for open roles, and recruitment marketing is playing a big part in attracting better candidates and improving recruiting results.

Social media has become a favorite channel for recruiters to engage and hire qualified candidates. We’ve seen talent teams win by using social media in their recruitment marketing strategy. Here are the top four ways to use social media to screen, engage, and hire top candidates.

4 Ways to Optimize Social Media Recruiting Efforts

1. Share jobs on social channels with an easy CTA

There are so many ways to share jobs with your social network that engages candidates and attracts them to apply. Get with the hiring manager and write a brief description of the job that offers an easy call-to-action (CTA) for application. The description should include important requirements for the role, like certifications or skills. Try and plan social posts in advance, so you can post multiple times about a position if needed. Finally, make it as easy as possible for job seekers to get more information or to apply for a role. This is a great time to leverage text-to-apply and intelligent messaging software to easily capture and engage applicants right away.

Tip: Share jobs on social media at the start of the week to reach job seekers in their search throughout the week. If you have money for advertising, consider promoting a post to reach a wider audience.

2. Check social media accounts frequently and respond to inquiries

If you’re going to start using social media in your recruitment marketing strategy, you’ll need to check the accounts for interaction from job seekers frequently. This activity can range anywhere from only responding to direct messages and comments regarding employment to following and interacting with other accounts proactively to expand candidate pools. Consider how your employer brand will reflect across all social accounts and who in your company should be managing social channels.

Work to divide the responsibility of managing accounts as it makes sense. Maybe the recruiting team should be responsible for the company’s LinkedIn account, while the marketing team could manage Twitter. Start by ensuring all messages are answered in a timely manner from job seekers. Once you’re able to dedicate more time to social media recruiting strategy, consider expanding efforts.

3. Share a wide variety of employee stories

A great way to demonstrate your company culture and showcase employees is to share their stories on your social accounts. Highlight a wide diversity of employee stories from different departments in your organization — from executives and management to team leads and employees. This creates a picture of what it’s like to work for your company and offers transparency into the culture for job seekers.

Integrate stories about employees speaking on internal mobility, further education opportunities, or employee resource group involvement. This is a great way to organically share information about the culture and benefits at your company as well as show your company values.

4. Engage in industry thought leadership and content

No matter what your industry, there will be a large pool of thought leaders and influencers on social media to engage with. Find and follow the accounts that stand out in your industry, whether it be influencers, professionals, or even other organizations. No matter how much time you have to dedicate to social media activities, these accounts will keep you updated on your industry and help you predict changes in the market. Interact with and share content that’s relevant to your industry and job seekers — this will keep your feed interesting and up to date with the latest information.

Tip: Thought leaders in your industry could already be in house! Allow employees to contribute content to your social accounts to offer their insight.

Upgrade Your Recruitment Marketing

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